The lives of individual ringers provide us with insights into the way ringing has developed over the years, as well as being valuable personal records of individual ringers now deceased. Most of those recorded so far served on the Central Council but the records are being extended to include other notable ringers, including those who lived and rang before the Council was formed in the late 19th century. As well as being online, the records are kept in a series of books that form part of the Council’s historical collection.
Our aim is to make biographic and related information about ringers easily accessible to historians and to interested ringers. We do this mainly by acquiring information about the lives and achievements of ringers who contributed to the Exercise and publishing Biographic records (over 950 and rising) on the website.
Historically most subjects were former Council members but we are increasing the coverage of other ringers. If you would like to nominate someone (and help us obtain the information) then please contact us. Similarly, if you notice any errors and omisions, feel free to get in touch.
Archival hard copies of records are produced for the Central Council Library.
See: Advice for ringers doing biographical research written by John Harrison, or download as a pdf document